Light Pole Banners

Downtown Lakeland Banner Program  (please read the entire page, then fill out the application at the bottom)        

To add to the vibrancy of Downtown Lakeland the LDDA manages a banner program.  Organizations with Downtown events and other institutions celebrating milestone anniversaries 20 years or more are encouraged to participate.

The banner hardware locations have been predetermined by the City of Lakeland’s Parks and Recreation Department and are not subject to change. A map of the available banner locations will be available to the user before reservation. See below.

The LDDA will administer the program which involves the following:

  • Advertise the program.
  • Manage all questions and requests about the program.
  • Manage all scheduling and reservations of banners.
  • Maintain the master calendar of reservations throughout the year.
  • Schedule installations/repair/replacements/removals.
  • Charge and collect all fees from users.
  • Provide maintenance and replacement of hardware as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who can participate in banner program?

  • Downtown events open to the public. The LDDA boundary is used to define Downtown.
  • Lakeland-based institutions celebrating milestone anniversaries 20 years or more.
  • No weddings or reunions, no private events, no advertising of businesses or services.

How many locations are available for rental?

Please see the linked map below that shows the 62 banner locations for rental. (See the RED stars on the maps). Please download this map, circle your preferred locations and email back to us at Please note that your preferred locations are not guaranteed. LDDA will assign your final locations based on availability and confirm with you before you commit.

What happens if the locations I requested are not available?

At the time of your request, a rental may already be in progress or scheduled ahead of you.  Once LDDA staff has your request, they can determine when your requested poles come available.  Staff will notify you which poles are not available and the date they will become available.  You will then need to decide based on your desired hang date which option you prefer:

1. Adjust your requested hang date to a date when all of your locations are available.
2. Hang only those banners on poles that are available on your desired hang date and hang the rest when the existing rental expires.
3. Choose a new location for those on poles not available and hang all of your banners on your desired hand date.
4. Choose a temporary, new location for those on poles not available on your hang date and hang all, them moved those reassigned to the originally requested location once they become available. (An additional hanging charge would have to be assessed to take down and move the banners)

What is the duration allowed for each rental?

It will vary depending on the number or banners requested and the needs of the user. The maximum time allowed will be 3 months. Additional time may be added to the end of a user’s 3 month period if all of the following criteria are met:

  • The extension is desired by the user
  • Another reservation does not immediately follow the user’s 3 month period
  • Banners are in good condition – not ripped, faded or otherwise in disrepair
  • Approved by the LDDA
  • Banner message is still relevant

Banner requirements:

  • Banners MUST meet proper size requirements of the hardware. Additional installations cost will be charged if banners do not meet specifications. Banner size is 18 inches wide by 43 inches tall. SPECS HERE
  • Banners can not contain business logos. Logos must be specifically designed for the event or milestone being celebrated.
  • Banner design must be approved by the LDDA prior to fabrication.
  • User pays for the design and fabrication of the banner to their desired company.
  • User pays for the initial hanging of and final take down of its banners. See fee schedule below payable to LDDA.
  • Banners damage by weather or vandals must be removed or replaced at user’s expense.
  • Expect some banners to be stolen. Replacement of those banners is at user’s expense.
  • Any damaged hardware during user’s rental must be replaced at user’s expense.
  • Banners must be properly sized AND have grommets holes. See specifications in the first bullet point.

Rental Fees and Locations:

  • $30 per pole – includes the rental fee & the hanging and removal of banners.
  • Price includes labor and materials (zip ties) for initial hanging and final take-down.
  • Additional cost of $40 per banner if/when banners must be rehung due to theft, damage, or a relocation request once hung.

FILL OUT THE APPLICATION BELOW AND DOWNLOAD THE REQUIRED RENTAL AGREEMENT.  New applications and agreements are required EACH YEAR even for recurring users.